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Tu YC, Lee IC, Chang TW, Lee V, Chao FY, Geltser ER, & Tsai MF.
Mechanisms of dual modulatory effects of spermine on the mitochondrial calcium uniporter complex.

Journal of Biological Chemistry. (Online published ahead of print). 


He Z#, Tu YC#, Tsai CW, Mount J, Zhang J, Tsai MF*, & Peng Y*.
Structure and function of the human MRS2 channel.

Nature Structural & Molecular Biology. (Online published ahead of print, *co-corresponding authors). 


Tsai CW, Liu TY, Chao FY, Tu YC, Rodriguez MX, Van Keuren AM, Ma Z, Bankston J, & Tsai MF.
Evidence supporting the MICU1 occlusion mechanism and against the potentiation model in the mitochondrial calcium uniporter complex.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 120: e2217665120.


Tsai CW, Rodriguez MX, Van Keuren AM, Phillips CP, Shushunov HM, Lee JE, Garcia AM, Ambardekar AV, Cleveland JC, Reisz JA, Proenza C, Chatfield KC, & Tsai MF.
Mechanisms and significance of tissue-specific MICU regulation of the mitochondrial calcium uniporter complex.
Molecular Cell. 82: 3661–3676.


Rodriguez MX, Van Keuren AM, & Tsai MF.
Quantitative assays to measure the transport activity of the mitochondrial calcium uniporter in cell lines or Xenopus oocytes.
STAR Protocols. 2: 100979.

Woods JJ, Rodriguez MX, Tasi CW, Tsai MF, & Wilson JJ.
Cobalt amine complexes and Ru265 interact with the DIME region of the mitochondrial calcium uniporter.
Chemical Communications. 57: 6161-6164.


Van Keuren AM, Tasi CW, Balderas E, Rodriguez MX, Chaudhuri D, & Tsai MF.
Mechanisms of EMRE-dependent MCU opening in the mitochondrial calcium uniporter complex.
Cell Reports. 33: 108486.

Fan M, Zhang J, Tasi CW, Orlando BJ, Rodriguez MX, Xu Y, Liao M, *Tsai MF, & *Liang F.
Structure and mechanism of the mitochondrial Ca2+ uniporter holocomplex.
Nature. 582: 129-133. (*co-corresponding authors).


Phillips CB, Tsai CW, & Tsai MF.
The Conserved Aspartate Ring of MCU Mediates MICU1 Binding and Regulation in the Mitochondrial Calcium Uniporter Complex.
eLife. 8: e41112.

Selected publications before 2019

Tsai CW & Tsai MF.
Electrical Recordings of the Mitochondrial Calcium Uniporter in Xenopus Oocytes.
Journal of General Physiology. (2018) 150: 1035-1043.

Tsai CW, Wu Y, Pao PC, Phillips CB, Williams C, Miller C, Ranaghan M, & Tsai MF.
Proteolytic Control of the Mitochondrial Calcium Uniporter Complex.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. (2017) 114: 4388-4393.

Tsai MF, Phillips CB, Ranaghan M, Tsai CW, Williams C, & Miller C.
Dual Functions of a Small Regulatory Subunit in the Mitochondrial Calcium Uniporter.
eLife. (2016) 5: e15545.

Tsai MF & Miller C.
Building a Temperature-Sensitive Ion Channel.
Cell. (2015) 158: 977-979

Tsai MF, Jiang D, Zhao L, Clapham DE, & Miller C.
Functional Reconstitution of the Mitochondrial H+/Ca2+ Exchanger Letm1.
Journal of General Physiology. (2014) 143: 67-73.

Tsai MF, McCarthy P, & Miller C.
Substrate Selectivity in Glutamate-Dependent Acid Resistance in Enteric Bacteria.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. (2013) 110: 5898-5902.

Tsai MF & Miller C.
Substrate Selectivity in Arginine-Dependent Acid Resistance in Enteric Bacteria.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. (2013) 110: 5893-5897.

Tsai MF, Fang Y, & Miller C.
Sided Functions of an Arginine-Agmatine Antiporter Oriented in Liposomes.
Biochemistry. (2012) 52: 1577-1585.

Tsai MF, Jih KY, Shimizu H, Li M, & Hwang TC.
Optimization of the Degenerated Interfacial ATP Binding Site Improves the Function of Disease-Related Mutany Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane Conductance Regulator Channels.
Journal of Biological Chemistry. (2010) 285: 37663-37671.

Tsai MF, Li M, & Hwang TC.
Stable ATP Binding Mediated by a Partial NBD Dimer of the CFTR Chloride Channel.
Journal of General Physiology. (2010) 135: 399-414.